Afraid of Death and God
Should there be any reason to fear death if you know God? Absolutely not! The question that remains however is, do you really know Him? If not, what is keeping you from becoming acquainted with Him?
Here is something to consider…
How is it that God can be everywhere, and yet, only a number of people can sense His presence, while a larger number of people can’t see that He is there?
Obviously, it is because some know Him while others don’t know Him. And because they don’t know Him they fail to see that He is present. Now, does that mean that it’s God’s fault that they don’t know Him? In other words, has God failed to manifest Himself to them in a way that they can discern Him?
I say no, because God always puts Himself in front of us in some way. The problem however, is that people often fail to take notice of Him because they expect Him to appear as God in all of His splendor and glory, while failing to understand that He can appear in any way that He wants to, which means he will likely be found in places where we would least expect Him to be…
You see, we aren’t supposed to tell God who He is. We are supposed to accept what He has to say about Himself! And if we can’t sense His presence in our lives, that doesn’t mean there is something wrong with God. What that means is that we just aren’t seeing things as they really are…
Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8 NKJV)
Clearly, Jesus is saying that there is only one way to see God. And that is to have a pure heart. Yet, it is because people think their hearts are too impure for God’s love to penetrate that they end up giving up on believing in God. For, it is easier to deny that He exists than it is to measure up to His standards. But what does God really expect from us? What does He want to tell us?
What He wants to tell us is that He desires to spend quality time with us. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to give up that time for God, but would rather do something else instead. Hence, they follow their own path through life; and then when they reach the end of it they realize that they walked it without God, and become fearful of dying without knowing Him who will judge them according to their deeds.
Does this thought frighten you?
It doesn’t have to!
Here’s why…
Jesus said,
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” (Revelation 3:20-21 NKJV)
Notice how Jesus doesn’t push the door open. Instead, He knocks! In other words, He isn’t knocking on the door because He wants to tell you how bad you are. He’s knocking because He wants to let you know how much He loves you!
Will you open the door and invite Him into your life?
It’s not hard to open the door…
All you need to do to open it is say, ‘Lord, come into my heart’. And when you do that you will have the assurance that your life is secure in Jesus Christ, because He will enter into your heart, and show you what it means to see God. Thus, you will exchange your life for the life that He desires to give you. That is, the pure life. And that will happen at the very moment that you invite Him in.
And when that happens you will see that there is no reason to fear death, because “perfect love casts out fear” (1Jn. 4:18), and your heart will be imbued with the perfection of God’s love simply because you have opened the door of your heart to Jesus Christ!
Would you do that now? It’s not difficult…
Just say, ‘Lord, I am opening the door of my heart to you. I want you to enter into my life. Save me from my sins, and use me as your instrument of righteousness for the rest of my life.”
If you said this prayer, you can be sure of three things:
1. You are forgiven for every sin that you have ever committed
2. You no longer have to fear death because your life is secure in Jesus Christ
3. You are blessed!